Blog Archive
Physical therapy is a standard treatment that utilizes various techniques to improve mobility after an injury or surgery. It can also help with aging conditions that cause pain and mobility issues. At Integrated Body and Medicine, our team of specialists offers physical medicine and rehabilitation to allow you to improve...
Chronic migraines are a painful issue that affects 3-5% of the American population, and trying to manage symptoms is difficult. Medications and lifestyle changes help, but chiropractic care could be the answer to the long-term management of your chronic migraines. At Integrated Body and Medicine, our team offers holistic care...
Neuropathy is a medical condition that occurs when nerves in the peripheral nervous system malfunction due to injury or a chronic medical problem. Small fiber neuropathy is a form of peripheral neuropathy that affects the small nerve fibers in the skin. Small fiber neuropathy has many causes, leading to uncomfortable...
Neuropathy is a debilitating disease that leads to nerve damage, which causes pain and disability. Diabetes is one of the most prevalent causes of neuropathy, but you can get neuropathy as a result of injuries and infections, too. Getting long-term relief from neuropathy is tricky and may involve medications and...
When you're young, you don't think too much about what it will be like when you're older. But as you age, it becomes more apparent that your body is going through changes, some of which you definitely don't like. The physical changes are the most apparent but aren’t the only...
Everyone should have regular physical exams to ensure they're healthy throughout their lifetime, but there are other specified exams you need when you drive or operate a commercial vehicle on the road. A DOT physical exam is essential for driving a commercial vehicle. It ensures you're in the best physical...
A migraine is more than just an intense headache. It’s a neurological condition characterized by severe throbbing or pulsating pain. Sometimes, a migraine comes on suddenly, while other times, you can feel it coming before it strikes. Family history, certain foods, and weather changes all trigger migraines, but they're not...
Not drinking enough water throughout the day may not seem like a big deal, but your body needs it to operate properly. This summer has been hot, meaning you need more hydration than usual to maintain a healthy body. Dehydration isn't something you may think of often, but it happens...
A migraine is more than a headache. It's a serious condition that can interfere with every aspect of life. In some cases, migraines become chronic, causing severe distress week after week and month after month. Even if you've had migraines your entire life, they are tricky to deal with alone....
As your baby bump grows during pregnancy, you may feel your body experiencing some exciting changes — and some painful ones. Sciatic pain is one of the many conditions you can experience during your nine months of pregnancy. Sciatica is bad enough when you're not carrying a child, but it...
As you likely know, vitamins are nutrients that your body needs for essential functions, such as cell growth and development. There are 13 necessary vitamins that aid in keeping your body healthy and functioning correctly. You can get most vitamins through your diet, but why must you concentrate so hard...
A massage is something you might think of as a special occasion when you get to relax and unwind for an hour. But the benefits of massage therapy go much deeper than just body and mind relaxation. Massage therapy is a holistic option for many people living with chronic health...
An IV is an intravenous catheter that allows medical providers to deliver fluids, medications, and vitamins or minerals directly into your bloodstream. IV therapy ensures that medications and fluids go directly to where they're needed instead of getting lost in your stomach and GI tract. You think of IVs, you...
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...
Knee pain that continues for months should be a concern, especially when it persists after home care and other treatments. Various conditions lead to knee pain, including injuries and chronic conditions like arthritis. When your knee hurts for weeks to months, you just want to find something — anything —...
Aching joints, sagging skin, and digestive problems are only a few of the issues that develop as you age. Every year, your body gets older and continues to break down. Although aging is inevitable, you don't have to live with the symptoms. Wrinkles, arthritis, and dry skin are just a...
When wrinkles set in, their effect on your self-esteem can be devastating. You can live with the changes that aging brings or take steps to uncover more youthful skin. Plastic surgery is an option to alleviate wrinkles, sagging skin, and fine lines. Still, it's invasive and requires a period of...
Even though food is all around you, getting the proper nutrition your body needs to thrive can be challenging. Processed foods contain additives and preservatives, both of which aren't necessary for optimal health. Eating a nutritious diet full of essential vitamins and minerals is difficult, especially for kids and older...
If you’re dehydrated, your body has lost more fluids than you replaced, causing a fluid deficit in your body. Because the human body is made up of 60% water, staying hydrated is crucial to prevent complications. Sweating from sports, suffering from certain illnesses, and simply not drinking enough are common...
Whether you’re an athlete or not, you could face knee pain, but athletes are particularly susceptible. Sports-related knee pain can pop up anytime, making playing on the field or court nearly impossible. At Integrated Body and Medicine, we specialize in holistic and nonsurgical approaches to pain and injury. Our practice aims to...
As you probably know, vitamins are essential nutrients your body requires to work properly. They aid in various body processes that are crucial to life. Vitamin B12 is one of the vitamins your body needs to make cells and form DNA. If you're deficient in this vitamin, you usually require...
There are various ways to get rid of a hangover, improve your sleep, and fight fatigue, including IV vitamin therapy. Although an IV may induce thoughts of the hospital or emergency room, it's not just about that anymore. IV vitamin therapy clinics are popping up nationwide, helping people fight common...
Everyone begins to show signs of aging as they get older. You may notice some wrinkles forming on your forehead or frown lines setting in on your face. Although these signs are inevitable, you don't have to live with them. Various cosmetic treatments help minimize the signs of aging, including...
Knee pain can strike at any time from an injury or begin slowly due to arthritis. Regardless of the cause, you need to get ahead of knee pain before it jeopardizes your daily activities. But some treatments aren't just invasive — they bandage the actual problem behind your pain. When...
Your nerves are a significant part of your body's structure, allowing you to feel sensations, including pain and tingling. If you have tingling in your hands or feet, you may have an issue with the nerves in your peripheral nervous system. At Integrated Body and Medicine, we help you understand...
You use your knees when you run, walk, or climb up the stairs. Your knees are vital to your gym workouts and your ability to complete everyday tasks, including climbing the stairs to go to bed at night. There are a lot of issues that affect your knees, including injuries...
When you drive a commercial vehicle for a living, you must be in good health for your own safety and the safety of others on the road. While you should have a regular physical exam every year, you still need a DOT exam every 24 months to ensure you're safe...
Sciatica affects the nerves in and around your spine. If you have sciatica symptoms, it could be due to something other than a spine condition that leads to back pain. If you're experiencing back pain and nerve symptoms, our team at Integrated Body and Medicine has the experience to help. Our team consists...
Water keeps your body hydrated and helps you stay healthy. But did you know different types of water affect your body differently? Alkaline water contains less acidity than regular water, is a powerful antioxidant, and is rich in calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Simply put, alkaline water has numerous benefits for...
You're at your job sometimes more than you're at home. And if you get too involved in your work, you may not be paying attention to your posture or the hazards around you. If you're not careful, you can end up with chronic pain or an injury. Our experienced Integrated...
Driving a commercial vehicle is a big deal, especially when you’re driving other people or carrying hazardous materials. It’s important to your safety and the safety of others that you’re healthy enough to drive long hours on the road. Our team at Integrated Body and Medicine is happy to provide Department of Transportation...
Your body takes a lot of wear-and-tear over the years, with your back being at the center of it all. When you have constant discomfort in your back, it makes doing even the smallest activities seem impossible. But certain home therapies can help you ease your back pain. At Integrated...
A neck injury has the ability to affect every aspect of your life. Whiplash is a type of neck injury caused by forceful movement of your neck. When you have whiplash, it’s hard to move your neck, sleep, or do just about anything that involves moving your head. But how...
Back pain has the ability to make your life miserable. Whether it starts after an injury or you’ve had chronic pain for years, back pain isn’t something you want to let go without treatment. But when is the right time to seek medical attention for your back pain? At Integrated Body and...
Neuropathy develops for a lot of reasons, including diabetes and nerve injury. No matter what the cause, neuropathy is a painful and debilitating disease that requires medical management. At Integrated Body and Medicine, our team offers specialized and personalized care for treating neuropathy. We take a comprehensive and integrated approach to your...
When you think of chiropractic, you probably think of care for your spine, but there’s much more to it than that. Chiropractors help your body in a number of different ways, including helping you age better by maintaining and improving your mobility and decreasing pain. At Integrated Body and Medicine,...
You’ve probably experienced a headache more than once in your life. Even when short-lived, headaches really affect your day. But migraines are much more than a run-of-the-mill headache. Migraines often cause severe pain, along with debilitating symptoms. Without the proper treatment and care, migraines have the ability to affect both...
Whether you’ve suffered a sports injury or you have a debilitating disease, rehabilitation is a way for you to build strength and get back to your normal activities. At Integrated Body and Medicine, we can help you get back on your feet through a number of different treatments. We specialize...
Massage therapy is often overlooked as a treatment option when you’re suffering from pain. Medications and more invasive treatments are often prescribed, but they’re really just covering the problem. A holistic approach is sometimes the best choice when it comes to physical medicine and treating pain. At Integrated Body and...
Back pain can come on for a number of different reasons, including an injury or a degenerative condition. Whatever the cause, back pain can make even the smallest movements excruciatingly painful, so finding relief is your top priority. Our team at Integrated Body and Medicine, helps you when your back...
Pain is unfortunately something you experience more than once in your life. Whether it’s from an injury like a broken bone or a condition that leads to chronic pain, it truly affects every aspect of your life. But did you know that certain foods could be worsening your pain? At...
Your musculoskeletal system is vital to everyday functions like walking, climbing steps, and even dressing yourself. So as you can imagine, when it becomes damaged, your life gets harder day by day. But there’s a way that you can get multidisciplinary care to get you back on your feet. It’s...
You’d love to feel young forever, right? Unfortunately, time isn’t on your side, and your body feels the wear-and-tear as you get older. But are you doomed to look into the mirror and see your youth fade right before your eyes? Luckily for you, we have plenty of anti-aging remedies...
If you’ve ever had a migraine, you know there’s nothing quite like it. The pain, sensitivity to light, and extreme nausea are only a few of the agonizing symptoms you might experience. Most of the time, while migraines are a pain, they’re usually not harmful. But migraines can have effects...
Back pain is a common, but powerful problem that really makes your life difficult. When you think of back problems, you probably think of muscle strains and injury. But there are other conditions, like infections, that can also lead to pain in your back and spine. At Integrated Body and...
Arthritis leads to pain in your joints and often to disability if not treated in a timely manner. There are a lot of treatments for arthritis, both conservative and surgical. But what if you could get the benefits of surgical repair without having to go under the knife? At Integrated...
When you live an active lifestyle or have an active job, one day of knee pain might not be unusual. A little pain isn’t much to worry about, but what do you do when it becomes more frequent? Getting your knee pain under control is what our team at Integrated...
It's no surprise that as you age, your risk for health issues increases. But did you know that you could also be lacking certain nutrients that could play an important part of your future health? Even if you're eating healthy and getting exercise, there's still a chance you're not getting...
When you have a migraine, your whole world stops while you suffer from symptoms, including pain. Frequent migraines cause problems in not only your personal life, but your work life as well. Treatments for this disorder vary, but finding the right one is vital to living a productive, pain-free life....
Kids can go through many different phases during their teenage years. Their bodies are growing and changing so quickly, which can lead to mysterious aches and pains that seem to spring up overnight. So how do you know when this is truly a problem or just a little case of...
Chronic knee pain is a debilitating condition that not only causes you discomfort, but also affects your daily life. Many treatments are available, but not all are effective in managing your pain. Sometimes, less conventional treatments may be just what you need. CBD is one of these treatments. At Integrated...
If you’ve ever sprained a wrist or ankle, you know just how painful and limiting a ligament tear can be. Now imagine tearing one of your body’s major ligaments, like your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or medial collateral ligament (MCL). Ouch. If you’re currently dealing with a ligament tear that...
Back pain affects an estimated 80% of American adults. Yet despite its prevalence and range of treatment options, many people with back pain never seek care. Instead, they hope their backache will go away on its own. If it does, great! If it doesn’t dissipate after a couple of weeks,...
If you’ve ever experienced a migraine, you know how miserable they can be. And “miserable” is a subdued way to describe them. A migraine can completely derail you for an entire day or more. Most people find themselves unable to do anything but curl up into the fetal position in...
Though cupping therapy seems like a relatively new trend in the United States (shoutout to Olympic athletes for popularizing the technique), it has been a traditional medicinal method in Eastern countries for centuries. Our experts at Integrated Body and Medicine in Highland, Indiana, are fans of dry cupping therapy in...
Massages are more than just a relaxing treat (though that’s reason enough to get one). Massage therapy has been used for centuries as a form of alternative and complementary medicine, thanks to its many uses and benefits. What’s one reason our patients keep coming back to Integrated Body and Medicine...
You stand up and there it is: Sharp pain strikes your lower back and radiates down your thigh. It tingles a bit, you shake it off, and move on. If this happens often, you might be dealing with sciatica — and if you’re overweight, your own body weight might be...
Who doesn’t want to stay young forever? Unfortunately, no one has found the Fountain of Youth yet. (And let’s be real: If someone did find it, they probably wouldn’t share). That means it’s up to you to take care of your body — skin included. Anti-aging treatments for skin are...
Most of the time, headaches resolve on their own or with a little effort from you — you know, by doing things like drinking more water, getting more sleep, or taking a break from your computer screen and going for a walk. Truly, the little things often help the most. ...
Maybe you already have a pretty well-rounded wellness routine: You hit the gym a few days each week, eat vegetables at every meal, hydrate, and even practice healthy screen-time habits. But something’s not right. You have nagging pain, or you wake up with unexplained headaches. Maybe your stress levels are...
Chances are, you’ve had back pain. In fact, about 80% of people experience back pain at some point in their lives — an astonishing statistic. Back pain has a number of causes, ranging from work-related injuries to repetitive stress due to sports or weak core muscles. Our health and pain...
Knee pain can occur from a range of conditions — some people experience knee pain from arthritis, while others have nagging knee pain from a prior injury. Still others experience repetitive stress, mechanical issues, and tendinitis. At Integrated Body and Medicine, we specialize in treating knee pain through physical rehabilitation...
When people start to age and think of going to the doctor, the usual things that come to mind are to get your blood pressure measured, check for certain cancers or chronic diseases, evaluate bone density, and generally make sure that everything is still working well for your age. But...
Better sex: It’s something most people pine after their entire lives. If you’ve been feeling the stress of a humdrum sex life or sexual dysfunction, have you considered that it’s actually a problem with your spine? Your body functions via an incredibly intricate system that can become dysfunctional when even...
Ask anyone who’s ever received a professional massage: A few good elbows in the back can work some serious magic. After a high-quality, professional massage, you leave feeling incredibly peaceful, yet somehow powerful. It’s like all you needed was to get a few kinks worked out. As it turns out,...