Nutrients You May Lack in Your Golden Years

It's no surprise that as you age, your risk for health issues increases. But did you know that you could also be lacking certain nutrients that could play an important part of your future health?
Even if you're eating healthy and getting exercise, there's still a chance you're not getting all of the minerals and vitamins your body needs to thrive.
At Integrated Body and Medicine, our team helps you figure out what vitamins your body is lacking to get you the proper supplements you may need. We offer many types of therapies to help you feel younger and stay healthy.
The golden years — when do they start?
Everyone looks forward to the day they can retire and begin just enjoying life as it comes. The golden years are basically symbolic of the years after you retire until you begin to have age-related health problems. This is typically interpreted as starting at age 65 until about age 80.
The golden years are when you actually get to start living and enjoying the life you’ve worked so hard to build. But these years are also when your body starts to feel its age, and health problems may start to slowly arise.
Although this is a joyous time in your life, it’s important for you to keep yourself as healthy as possible.
One thing that affects your health as you get older are vitamin and nutritional deficiencies. This is due to the natural aging process and hormonal changes that you go through as you get older.
Are you getting enough nutrients?
In a perfect world, you would get all of the vitamins and minerals you need through a diet of vegetables, fruits, grains, and meat. Unfortunately, as you enter the golden years, certain aging processes make it harder for you to absorb certain nutrients.
So what nutrients might you be missing? You might be missing more than just one, but here are a few of the important vitamins that become harder to get as you age.
Calcium is a very important nutrient at any point in your life, but especially when you enter your golden years. Conditions like osteoporosis become more prominent later in life, and calcium helps to keep your bones strong and healthy.
Your heart also requires a healthy amount of calcium to prevent cardiac problems. You can get calcium from dairy, leafy greens, and nuts.
Vitamin D
This vitamin helps your bones to take advantage of the calcium that you need to keep yourself healthy. It’s essential for bone health, but harder for your body to produce as you get older.
If you’re deficient in vitamin D, you’re most likely deficient in calcium as well. You can get vitamin D from yogurt, egg yolks, and fish.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is essential for your body to produce red blood cells and keep your brain functioning properly and healthy. Along with supplementation, you can also get this vitamin from eggs, fish, and meat.
Fiber is an essential component in keeping your bowels healthy and regular. When you get older, medications and lifestyle changes can lead to uncomfortable constipation. Fiber not only helps to keep your bowel movements regular, but also helps prevent other types of bowel problems.
High blood pressure is a common condition in your later years. Potassium is an essential nutrient that helps to regulate your blood pressure. It also helps to ward off heart disease and osteoporosis. Certain fruits and vegetables contain potassium, along with beans.
How to improve your nutrient intake
The best way to make sure you’re getting all of the proper vitamins and minerals you need is by filling your diet with whole, nutritious foods. This not only includes lean meats, but also healthy fruits and vegetables. You also want to include healthy fats such as salmon and avocados.
But if your healthy diet doesn’t completely do the trick, we recommend supplementation. Dosing for specific supplementation depends on the level of each vitamin in your body, and your specific needs.
For example, if you’re at a higher risk for osteoporosis, we recommend supplementing vitamin D and calcium to keep your bones healthy.
With supplementation and the proper diet that’s rich in essential nutrients, you can truly enjoy the golden years and make them the best years of your life.
If you're concerned that you're lacking important vitamins and minerals, call our Highland, Indiana, office or schedule an appointment through our online system.
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