Does IV Therapy Really Work?

An IV is an intravenous catheter that allows medical providers to deliver fluids, medications, and vitamins or minerals directly into your bloodstream. IV therapy ensures that medications and fluids go directly to where they're needed instead of getting lost in your stomach and GI tract.
You think of IVs, you may think of traditional IV therapy in the hospital or doctor's office as a way for medical providers to administer medications and other essential treatments directly into your bloodstream.
But IV therapy is now an up-and-coming way to receive vital nutrients and vitamins.
At Integrated Body and Medicine, our team offers IV nutritional therapy to boost your immune system, deal with anxiety, and improve energy levels. Our team has extensive experience with holistic and natural treatments to enhance your overall health.
The facts on IV therapy
Doctors use IV therapy for many different conditions. It's beneficial in emergencies and as a routine treatment for less severe conditions. IV therapy is a safe and effective way to get fluids and nutrients into your system quickly and efficiently through a small catheter inserted in your arm.
IV therapy is very safe, with only minimal risks involved. The biggest risks are a blown vein, fluid infiltration, bruising, or infection at the IV site, but these risks are rare and typically not serious.
Does IV therapy work?
You might be skeptical about IV nutritional therapy because it's still a newer concept, but we’ve found that it's an excellent therapy for various issues. It’s especially useful if you can't take oral supplements or suffer from malabsorption problems.
For people with nutrient deficiencies, IV therapy provides the necessary vitamins quickly and alleviates weight loss and anemia. IV therapy is also helpful for:
- Easing hangover symptoms
- Addressing hydration issues
- Improving red blood cell production
- Boosting your immune system
If you have trouble getting all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs through diet alone, IV nutritional therapy could be the solution for you. But you must speak to our team before undergoing IV nutritional therapy. If you have enough vitamins in your body and undergo IV therapy, you could face nutrient toxicity.
At Integrated Body and Medicine, we take every precaution to ensure your safety during IV nutritional therapy. We evaluate your health and discuss your goals for IV vitamin and nutrient therapy. We then carefully watch you during the infusion.
You can feel the benefits of IV therapy quickly as soon as you leave the appointment. You may continue to reap the benefits of IV nutritional therapy for weeks after your appointment.
Who benefits from IV therapy?
Many people can benefit from IV nutritional therapy because even slight deficiencies can lead to symptoms and not feeling yourself. IV nutritional therapy may be right for you if you want to:
- Improve energy levels
- Improve anxiety
- Boost immunity
- Alleviate allergies
- Improve mental clarity
- Relieve hangover symptoms
- Speed up the healing process
- Fight off migraines or headaches
- Fight off infections or colds
We make specific mixtures of nutrients based on your goals and needs. For example, we may add vitamin C and B vitamins to boost immunity or fight off colds.
If you want to feel better about yourself and say goodbye to low energy and chronic fatigue, IV therapy may be perfect for your needs.
Call us today at our office in the greater Highland and Hammond, Indiana, area or request an appointment for IV nutritional therapy through this website.
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